Friday, May 31, 2019
Skeeball and The Secret of The Universe :: essays research papers
In the book Skeeb each and The Secret of The Universe, the main characters are Matty-narrorator, Cal-Mattys lift out friend, Dana, Cals sister, Finch-the old mant hat works at the arcade, Jennifer-the cute girl Matty likes, with the red sports car, and Jennifers two roomates, Denise and Claudia.The conflict of this book is person vs. self because, throughout the whole book, Matty is macabre at Cal for getting a job and at the end, he finally realizes he was mad at himself and taking it out on Cal. This book was beginning person because Matty was talking about what happened to him.This book was about Matty and Cal making an pact on not to get a job because it was their last summer together and they wanted to make it count. Cal ended up getting a job nbeacuse he hated bumming money off of his friends and family. Eventually, Matty ended up getting so mad at Cal he stopped talking to him. Matty had nothing to do anymore since hie best friend was off at work all the time and he was ma d at hime, so her started going to the arcade and he didnt like the video games, he care the carnival games.One night whgen he was playing skeeball, this old man that worked there, Finch, started giving him a lot of tokens and tips on skeeball. After a couple of weeks of going to the arcade, on his way home, he was going to the Stop and Shop where Cal had been working for a while. Matty was walking through the prking lot when three cute gilrs pulled up in a red sports car, Jennifer, Claudia, and Denise. They asked him the brood to the beach house Jennifers dad had just bought for them. He started giving them the diretions and they told him to get in the car and just show them. When Matty laid his eyes on Jennifer he thought she was the one.Later on, Matty found out Cals sister, Dana, liked him. Matty realized that Cal was mad at him, but he didnt know what for. When he found out Dana liked him, he realized Cal was mad at him because of that. Matty kept Finch up-to-date on everyth ing, Dana found out that Matty started playing skeeball so she started playing also. Finch kept telling Matty that he should talk to Dana more often because Finch knew Dana liked Matty.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Johannes Brahms Essay -- biographies bio biography musician
Johannes Brahms was a German Composer, Pianist and conductor of the 19th century or the Romantic period. He was one of the 3 Bs or the Big three Bach, Beethoven and Brahms. Johannes was a very self-critic man he burned many of his pieces in front he could get anyones opinion on them and he burned all of his compositions that he wrote before the age of 19.Johannes Brahms was born on Tuesday 7th may 1833, in the city of Hamburg the birthplace also of Mendelssohn. Johann Brahms was himself a musician, and played the double bass for a time at the Karl Schultze Theatre, and later in the Stadttheater orchestra. In 1847 Johannes attended a good Burgerschule (citizens? school), and in 1848 a better, that of one Hoffmann. When he was eight years old his father requested the teachers to be very easy with him because of the time that he mustiness take for his musical studies. Brahms?s boyhood days passed uneventfull. He grew up with his brother fritz and sister Elise amid the poorest surroun dings. Fritz turned to music (the Neue Zeitschrift mentions his successful debut at Hamburg in January 1864) was a piano teacher in Hamburg, lived for many years in Caracas, and died at an early age in Hamburg of a disease of the brain. Elise married a watchmaker, much to Johannes? disappointment. As a boy Johannes worked and studied with his father and learnt lessons from books with his mother, with whom he would play ?four-hands? at the piano, ?just for fun.? There were never any doubts as to his go a musician. From early childhood he learn everything his father could teach him, read everything he could lay hands on, practiced with undeviating enthusiasm, and filled reams of newsprint with exercises and variations. The soul of the child went out in music. He played scales long before he knew the notes, and great was his joy when at the age of six he discovered the possibility of making a melody visible by placing black dots on lines at different intervals, inventing a system of notation of his birth before he had been made acquainted with the method which the musical world had been using for some centuries. When Johannes was in his tenth year he had made much(prenominal) remarkable progress that Cossel thought it best to secure a more advanced instructor. He was thus put under the care of Eduard Marxsen (Cossel?s have got teacher), the royal music director at Altona, who took him unwillingly ... ...for the folksong of his fatherland, which he used as themes for some remarkable variations a musical form, by the way, which he rescued by his masterly treatment form the disrepute into which it had fallen. No career, however, open up before him. He had to continue playing at the number one sailors? haunts and to eke out his earnings by giving cheap lessons and arranging popular music for the piano or for brass bands. This hack work continued for what must have seemed a distressingly long time, and it was brightened for him only by the composition of three important works for his instrument, the scherzo in E flat minor (Op. 4) in 1851, the Sonata in F sharp minor (Op.2) in 1852 and the Sonata in C major (Op. I) early in 1853.It was not only until the spring of that year that he for first time left Hamburg professionally. He undertook a tour with the Hungarian violinist Eduard Remenyi for the purpose of introducing himself and his works. At Gottingen they gave a concert in which the young piano player made a deep impression upon the musicians present. He and Remenyi were to play Beethoven?s Kreutzer sonata, but at the last moment it was discovered that the piano was half(a) a tone too low.
The Writings of Zora Neale Hurston Examine the Relationships Between th
The Writings of Zora Neale Hurston Examine the Relationships Between the Sexes black literature is the voice of a melt and a people who have a very passionate existence. They have existed in harsh conditions in this country for many, many generations. Their stories told orally, and those that were eventually written down, cast life as members of African tribes forced to adapt their cultural beliefs to a new way of life, slaves with almost no rights or respect, finally free workforce and women, and as American citizens who are also black. In their writings the reader comes to understand the African-American hi report and community. By far, one of the most wonderful, fascinating aspects of the African-American community is the emphasis on the relationships between the sexes. Authors such as Alice Walker, Lorraine Hansberry, Toni Morrison and many other wonderful female writers give their readers an understanding of the beauty, pain, ecstasy, and confusion that exist in the re lationships of African American men and women. All of the authors mentioned are female because their literature is about black women it takes the trouble to record the thoughts, words, feelings, and deeds of black women, experiences that make the realities of macrocosm black in America look very different from what men have written(Washington 35). Zora Neale Hurston, one of the most famous and passionate black writers of the ordinal century, wrote many stories about women and their relationships. The Guilded Six-bits, and Magnolia Flower are two examples by Hurston in which the female characters play a large role in the dynamics of the story and the relationship. In these stories, the men and women find their roles as lovers, her... ...lack, interlingual rendition Feminist A Critical Anthology. Ed. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. New York Meridian, 1990. 307-317. Hurston, Zora Neale. The Complete Stories of Zora Neale Hurston. New York Harper, 1995. Lionnet, Francoise. Autoe thnography The An-Archic Style of debris Tracks on a Road. Reading Black, Reading Feminist A Critical Anthology. Ed. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. New York Meridian, 1990. 382-394. Saidi, Pouria. Individualism and the Issue of Race in the deeds of Zora Neale Hurston. Brighton High School, English Department Webpage. (1997) Online. Available http// Washington, Mary Helen. The Darkened Eye Restored Notes Toward a Literary History of Black Women. Reading Black, Reading Feminist A Critical Anthology. Ed. Henry Louis Gates, Jr. New York Meridian, 1990. 30-43.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Antigone and Romeo and Juliet Essays -- Compare Contrast Shakespeare A
Compargon/Contrast Antig wholeness and Romeo and Juliet There are many similarities and differences between Antigone by Sophocles and Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. The adults in both of the books have the difficult job of controlling the actions of the younger characters. Their decisions have a crucial effect on the outcome of the books, for the younger characters that they guide are the main figures in their stories. Antigones King Creon and Romeo and Juliets Prince Escalus and ennoble Capulet share but also have unique stances, weaknesses, leadership qualities, and crisis-managing techniques. A specific strength of Creon, the major adult character in Antigone, is his ability to make his opinions known to the entire kingdom. One example of this is the major decision that is the focus of the entire story. subsequently Antigones brother, Polyneices, died in battle against his own kingdom, Creon told the citizens of the land that no one was to bury the traitor. The king felt that t he strict edict was necessary be energise Polyneices broke his transfer to come back with fire and sword against his native city. (193) Creon knew that a traitor to the kingdom should not be honored with the same ceremony given to one who fought for his own kingdom. The Prince in Romeo and Juliet was also very opinionated. He threatened death to both the Capulets and Montagues if there was any more than fighting between the two families. He described the issue by saying that the fights had disturbed the quiet of our streets (I,i,91). He did not favor the fighting and declared on pain of death completely men depart (I,i,103) to the two houses at his speechs conclusion after the third brawl. The Prince remained assertive throughout the book, including the fourth fight... ...his child and her boyfriend more reasonably. He handled the crisis of his daughters death by making peace with his enemy. He decided with Montague to dedicate statues to their deceased children. This showed tha t he somewhat understood the cause of death and that it was somewhat his fault. He felt that he should be calm and remember the children for all that they did for stopping the feud between the two families. King Creon of Antigone and Lord Capulet and Prince Escalus of Romeo and Juliet are similar and different in strengths, weaknesses, qualities of leadership, and methods of handling crisis. They are the controlling individuals in the books, governing and leading the main characters. Their traits had a definite effect on the outcome of each book. The adult characters governed the events and influenced the actions of the other lead characters in the book.
Meditation: The Balance of Life Essay -- Religion, Buddhism, Hinduism,
All throughout history Buddhist monks and the eastern faith have been do venture, but recently anyone has been trying it. Meditation is a practice that someone may train their mind to be in a state of cognizance that benefits their mind and body. Meditation is about paying attention, foc development and being very calm. It sharpens creativity and performance while enhancing relationships. Meditators find when they stop taking things in support so seriously, the self drops away. They be more direct and absorb life easier. (Ellison 3&6)Meditation has been around for thousands of years. In every religion, the instructions for meditating are the same, only the words differ. There are two major types of meditation that may benefit the user. By meditating the human mind may find tranquility and enhancement of mental operation and awareness. Its very simple to do, and only takes a small amount of your time a day. (Roach 3)Meditation originated in the eastern religion with Budd hism and Hinduism. Monks have meditated their whole life, through time, helping them become better people. Tibetans and the Dalai Lama have been performing meditation intensely for centuries. These Buddhist followers train using the Tibetan Nyingmapa and Kagyupa traditions for about 10,000 to 50,000 hours over 15-40 years. At one time meditation was part of the basic training for the entire Mozambique military. (Kaufman 2)(Roach 2)Thinking and other mental activity produce short bursts of electrical activity in the brain called gamma waves. In studies monks, who have been training the longest, have higher levels of gamma waves. Gamma waves are some of the highest-frequency brain impulses they are also the most important electrical brain impulses. G... ... and let your mind be vigilant. If you hear distractions or have thoughts, let them go. Be happy you noticed them dont feel as if they interrupted your meditation. embrace doing this day-to-day for 10-20 minutes and notice the e ffects it may have on you. Continue this practice until it gets easier and use whenever needed.Scientific data shows it has its benefits, as I listed most. Most doctor visits are from stress, so by meditating once or twice daily the visits to the doctor will be less. I actually am thinking about trying it out myself. If the benefits sounded as great to you, as they did to me, I apprehend youll try it yourself. Meditation can help balance out your life, why not try it? Its fairly simple and fast. In the future, I predict meditation will be a major part of any persons life to help deal with everyday frustrations a little easier. (Roach 3)
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Free Essays - Jocasta is Not to Blame in Oedipus the King (Oedipus Rex) :: Oedipus the King Oedipus Rex
Jocasta is Not to Blame in Oedipus the queen regnant In the play, Oedipus the King , written by Sophocles, it is Oedipus, not Jocasta, that deserves our criticism. Oedipus made some errors in judgement that caused him dire consequences and is therefore going to be inevitably condemned for them. Many could argue that Jocasta is responsible for the declension that Oedipus encounters due to an unsuccessful attempt to have Oedipus murdered as an infant. It could be said that she therefore deserves our criticism for her actions in the play although we cannot over look the choices the Oedipus makes himself. Oedipus chose to start out Corinth when told the news of the terrible prophecy that had been foretold near him. It was this choice that led Oedipus to kill what he thought to be a wanderer on a contrasted road. In leaving Corinth he fulfilled the prophecy to kill his father. It was Oedipus choice that accounts him responsible for the criticism he eventually endur es, not Jocasta. Oedipus choses to seek the truth nigh the murderer of Laius, honourably indeed to save the people of Thebes, but through this choice he in a sense administers his own lethal injection. Oedipus is warned about the consequences of his actions by Teresias when he prophesises the outcome of the search for truth. Due to Oedipus ego which is built up by the pedestal that the people of Thebes have put him on, he does not accept the help of Teresias and continues to search. His opinion of himself being above the Gods leads him to then again shun the help of Jocasta who once again warns him of the consequences of the search for truth. Oedipus persistence lands him our criticism, at this calculate we cannot criticise Jocasta as she tries to help him, and warn him about what will happen is he persists. Although Jocasta tried to murder her password, Oedipus, to save her husband and herself from the terrible prophecy foretold at Oedipus birth, Oedipus still deserves most of our criticism. He chose to murder another human being, through no fault of Jocastas. She honourably tried to save her husband by having her son murdered although the person meant to do it couldnt go through with it.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Essay on Australian Culture Essay
The composers of In Sydneys Suburbs, An Endless Summer and Love Letter McIvers Baths have helped me to further understand Australian nuance by victimization a variety of language devices and techniques to uncover the Australian culture. Chris West, the author of In Sydneys Suburbs, An Endless Summer reveals that Australians respect the harsh landscape and presents beach culture as a prominent aspect n the lives of Australia. Helen Pitt, the author of Love Letter McIvers Baths, uncovers old beliefs in Australian principles and shows that multiculturalism is freely accepted in Australian society.West conveys the Australian landscape to be harsh and rugged, yet respected and valued by Australians. West personifies the land and describes how it points like a asymmetrical finger. The use of the verb points gives the land an intimidating quality. West continues to describe the land as a patch of Gods country. The juxtaposition of the two phrases suggests that the Australian is timidit yed but respected and cared for by Australians. This comparison has broadened my mind of the Australian culture. This idea is similar to Pitts description of the beach which is as curvy as the female person form. The simile creates a unique attractiveness, which is intriguing but is appreciated in Australian culture. Both West and Pitt expose an underlying appreciation of natural beaut in Australia, confirming my understanding of Australian culture. Pitt has employed the use of figurative devices that helped extend my understanding of Australian culture. You nursed meyour swell embraced me in a panache she no longer could. The use of apostrophe gives the baths m another(prenominal)ly qualities. The verbs nursed and embraced mimic the actions of a mother caring for her child.The quote besides alludes to the old native Australian beliefs that the land is mother. This reveals that uncreated culture and beliefs are still present in todays society and highly respected in Australia n culture. In Wests article, there are also allusions to Aboriginal culture. He describes children playing on the beach under the watchful eyes of black-clad elders. Both composers display an aspect of Aboriginal culture and its importance in Australian society, thus deepening my understanding of Australian culture. In Wests article, beach culture is displayed as a prominent aspect in the lives of Australians.He describes businessmen and how they peel off their swimsuits in the beachfront parking lots, towel down and don sober business barde then drive straight to work. The use of the verb peel suggests that the beach and beach culture is part of them, that its in their skin and soul. Pitt reinforces the idea that being at one with sea and its surrounding environment is what is truly valued in Australian society. I took refuge in your barnacled depths, reacquainting myselfwith what it meant to be Australian. Both composers explore the judgment that having connection with the beac h is genuinely valued in Australian culture, thus challenging my understanding of Australian culture. In Pitts article, multiculturalism is celebrated by video display the freedoms that we as Australians, no matter what cultural heritage we have, are able to enjoy. Muslim women frolicking in burkinis The use of the verb frolicking suggests that the women feel comfortable enjoying the Australian environment without fear of prejudice from other cultures.The revelation of the carefree attitude towards cultural diversity in Australian culture has expanded my understanding of Australian culture. West also presents the acceptance of a diverse range of culture in his article. Families of newly arrived Mediterranean immigrants fetch extravagant picnicsfrom the trunks of Japanese-built sedans Both composers clarify that people of other cultures and religions are accepted and welcomed in Australian society. The confirmation has contributed to my understanding of Australian culture.By manipul ating a range of language devices, both composers have challenged and reinforced my understanding of Australian culture, beliefs and values. West and Pitt both confirm that the harsh yet spectacular landscape of Australia is respected and cherished in Australian culture. They both uncover Aboriginal beliefs that are still present in todays society. Multiculturalism and beach culture are both thoroughly exposed by West and Pitt. In Sydneys Suburbs, An Endless Summer and Love Letter McIvers Baths have definitely helped me to further understand Australian culture.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
The United States: An Empire in Denial
With the arrival and stilltual establishment of a permanent settlement on the Statesn soil in the early seventeenth century, the incline settlers came upon an expansive territory of land teeming with resources and extirpateless possibilities. Soon, these settlers longed for intimacy and thus desired to break free from the imperial clutches of British rule. Standing resolutely against a corking and powerful empire, liberty was won in the States by the blood of its founding fathers, indelibly written in the Declaration of Independence.Perhaps in these humble beginnings are the reasons why the States directly could never offici altogethery admit on how she has evolved into the empire she had once detested and fought. The facts, however, speak for themselves. America today is a colossal empire and as such, she has in her power the capacity to shape the future by creating a world environment conducive to productive economic relations (especially to third-world countries) and int ernational peace, both of which are in short supply, these days.What the world essentials, according to Niall Ferguson in page 301 of his book Colossus, is an effective bad empire and the join States is the best candidate for the job. What restrains America from accepting and performing its persona as an imperial power? This paper delves on this question and discusses the next relevant issues (1) definition of an empire, (2) what America has become, (3) the American might strongholds around the globe, (4) the American empire adherence and denial, and (5) America as the engine of global growth.America is now the except superpower in the world and she is in a position to greatly influence the course of human history. Main Body Definition of an Empire investigate into the topic at hand, it is necessary to elucidate on the true meaning of empire as rationalized by Mr. Ferguson An empire is low and fore to the highest degree, a very great power that has left its mark on the inter national relations of an era . . . a polity that rules over wide territories and numerous peoples, since the management of space and multi-ethnicity is unrivaled of the great perennial dilemmas of an empire .. . An empire is by definition . . . non a polity ruled with the explicit consent of its peoples, But by a physical process of assimilation of peoples of democratization of institutions empires can transform themselves into multinational federations or even nation states. (10) Thus defined, an empire does not require the general consensus of the people involved. However, an empire can adapt to whatever is the prevalent social, economic or political environment at hand. What America Has BecomeIn the course of human history for the past quartette centuries since the arrival of the English settlers in America, has the united States revealed itself, in whatever degree, as a nation with imperial intents? As Ferguson states This book argues not merely that the United States is an empire hardly that it has always been an empire. Unlike most of the previous authors who pretend remarked on this, I have no objection in principle to an American empire. Indeed, a part of my argument is that many parts of the world would benefit from a period of American rule (Ferguson 2).The United States is perceived to be the superlative empire to have ever existed in the history the mankind, propelling itself to the top, not only with its involvement and successes at previous wars, but most especially, with its exploitation of unbroken advances in science and technology for its defensive posture. In this field, America has no equal. As we have seen, by most conventional measures of powereconomic, military and culturalthere has never been an empire mightier than the United States today (Ferguson289). The American Might Strongholds around the GlobeFrom a military standpoint, America has the greatest influence over many other nations today. Controlling offensive and defensiv e strategic sites around the globe, its military arm is hygienic-emplaced and is in the best position to act or react should the need arise. . . . the U. S. military has around 752 military installations in more than 130 countries . . . In the first year of President Bushs presidency, around 70,000 U. S. troops were stationed in Germany, and 40,000 in Japan . . . Almost as many (36,500) were in South Korea . . .Moreover, new wars have meant new bases, like Camp Bondsteel in Kosovo, acquired during the 1999 war against Yugoslavia, or the Bishkek air base in Kyrgyzstan . . . At the time of writing, slightly 10,000 American troops are still based in Afghanistan, and it seems certain that a substantial force of 100,000 will have to remain in Iraq for at least the next few years. (Ferguson 16) What other nation in the face of the cosmos be it in the past or in the present could ever boast of such a claim? What other nation is more watchful to control vast areas of land, air and wat er with its military dominance?On land the United States has 9,000 M1 Abrams tanks. The rest of the world has nothing that can compete. At ocean the United States possesses nine supercarrier battle groups. The rest of the world has none. And in the air the United States has three different kinds of undetectable stealth aircraft. The rest of the world has none. The United States is also far ahead in the production of smart missiles and pilotless high-altitude drones (Ferguson 16). The American Empire Adherence and Denial The United States today is an empire but a peculiar kind of empire.It is vastly wealthy. It is militarily peerless. It has astonishing cultural reach. Yet by comparison with other empires it often struggles to impose its will beyond its shores . . . Only when the United States could cast itself in an anti-imperialist role . . . were the Americans able to perform their own cryptoimperial role with self-confidence (Ferguson 287). This is where the American nation face s its greatest hurdle in reaching its full potential and becoming a great empire for the greater benefit of the world, for it could not bear the concept of an Imperial America.It took a sequence of humanitarian disasters abroad in the 1990s and terrorist attacks at home in 2001 to rekindle public enthusiasm for a more assertive American unusual policy, though even this had to be cloaked in euphemism, its imperial character repeatedly denied (Ferguson 287). But this denial is not a sentiment shared by all Americans. As events unfold and the need for change arises, more and more adherents to an imperial America surface, publicly giving voice to an advocacy silently embraced by a few.Richard Haas, who went on to serve in the Bush administration as director of policy planning in the State Department, argued that Americans needed to re-conceive their global role from one of traditional nation-state to an imperial power, calling openly for an informal American empire . . . As Thomas Don nelly, deputy executive director of the parturiency for the New American Century, told the Washington Post in August 2001, Theres not all that many people who will talk about it empire openly. Its discomforting to a lot of Americans.So they use code phrases like America is the sole superpower (Ferguson 4). There is little doubt that the declaration of an imperial America would profoundly provoke global agitation. However, one must bear in mind that this is not a new concept and that for decades, this abstraction has always been in the backdrop, even more so in every anti-American cause one would care to listen to. Few people outside the United States today doubt the existence of an American empire that America is imperialistic is a truism in the eyes of most educated Europeans.But the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr noted as long ago as 1960, Americans persist in frantically avoiding recognition of the imperialism they in fact exercise (Ferguson 294). All evidence suggests that America is an empire. The denial of the American populace and most especially that of the United States government to this fact is not an altogether innocuous act or claim, as in the present shimmy of Iraq and Afghanistan. Does imperial denial matter? The answer is that it does . . .The trouble with an empire in denial is that it tends to make two mistakes when it chooses to intervene in the affairs of lesser states. The first may be to allocate insufficient resources to the nonmilitary aspects of the project. The second, and the more serious, is to attempt economic and political transformation in an unrealistically short time frame. (Ferguson 294) America as the Engine of Global Growth To this day, America remains to be the behemoth that it is with the American dollar taking its rightful place as the international currency in the global market.Twentieth-century history handed the United States a privileged position in the world economy its currency became and has remained the worlds favo rite. Since 1945 it has been used more than any other for denominating international transactions, and that has made it the preferred currency for central bank reserves (Ferguson 283). America, it appears, has everything that is needed to perform its imperial role. It is even likely that, in these times of widespread poverty, many countries would rally behind this cause for simple economic motives.The reason that so much overseas peachy flows into the United States, so it is said, is that the American economy is the engine of global growth and foreign investors simply want a piece of the action (Ferguson 281). At the end of the day, the alleviation of poverty through the creation of a dynamic and vigorous economy is the backbone of a peaceful nation. Here is where one sees the role that America should play. The Role that America Should Play What the world needs today is not just any kind of empire.What is required is a liberal empire- that is to say, one that not only underwrites t he free international exchange of commodities, labor and capital but also creates and upholds the conditions without which markets cannot function- peace and order, the rule of law, non-corrupt administration, stable fiscal and monetary policies- as well as provide public goods, such as transport infrastructure, hospitals and schools, which would not otherwise exist. (Ferguson 2) The question that must now be answered is Can the United States bring home the bacon the role of being an effective liberal empire? There is no doubt that the America of today has a foothold on almost all of the essential attributes required to perform this role. Although the United States seems in many ways ideally endowed economically, militarily and politically to run such an empire of liberty (in Thomas Jeffersons phrase), in practice it has been a surprisingly inept empire builder (Ferguson 2). Because of the democracy with which America was founded upon, we have seen time and again how the American populace, in general, refuses to accept the concept of an empire.As such, it could not move on to greater heights of historical attainment. Others would claim that many millions of people around the world have benefited in some way or another from the existence of Americas empire not least the West Europeans, Japanese, and South Koreans who were able to wave during the cold war under the protection of the American nuclear umbrella and that the economic losers of the post-cold war era, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, are victims not of American power but of its absence (Ferguson 13).In the words of retired General Anthony Zinni What is our obligation to the world? We preach about values, democracy, human rights, but we havent convinced the American people to pony up . . . Theres no leadership that steps up and says, This is the right thing to do . . . Thats the basic enigma . . . There has to be the political will and support for these things. We should believe that a stable world is a better place for us . . . the U. S.would make a much greater difference to the world. (Ferguson 293) Conclusion Through the acceptance and support for an American empire by the American people themselves which in itself is a grand undertaking the United States could significantly alter the course of human history for the better. This conclusion could better be proven by questioning any of the innumerous impoverished citizens from a third-world country if such a nation would be better off under the auspices of the American dollar.The United States has always been an empire in denial. A truly unfortunate fact for humankind would have a much better place to live in if only the world, most especially the American populace, would accept, recognize and support this undeniable reality of an imperial America. Works Cited Fletcher, Richard. Colossus. U. K. Penguin, 2004.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Managing People Essay
IntroductionHiring employees is a crucial task for any company, since every employee has a significant role within the firm. It is for this reason that the recruiter(s) must make the respectable choice while selecting the candidates and make sure that the future employee fits the best the job offer. In aim to achieve this essential task, most companies use the choice audience which is a method that allows the recruiter or manager and the candidate to meet each variant in order for the recruiter to evaluate the different candidates aspects.The selection interview method is the most frequently and extensively used approach for employment selection. However, despite its universality, it has raised numerous issues regarding its reliability especially the perceptual errors mingled in the evaluation process.Throughout this document, the general selection interviews benefits and issues will be mentioned in order to justify its popularity in comparison to other selection methods and identify its main pitfalls. The succeeding(prenominal) part will aim to underline the relation between the selection interview and the until nowtual perceptual errors en sexual urgeed during the recruitment. Finally, the sanctioned implication of the selection interview will be discussed with regard to government policy and legislation.The selection interviewTorrington and Hall (1995) describes the selection interview as a controlled conversation between one or many interviewers (managers) and one or many candidates with a purpose of* Gathering information in order to foretell how well the candidates would perform in the job offered, by measuring their abilities according to predetermined criteria established by the interviewers.* Facilitating the candidates determination-making by providing them with full details of the job dowery they have applied for and information about the organisation.* Giving each candidate an equal opportunity or a fair hearing.BenefitsIn an interview , both move meet each other. This allows a certain opinion to be made that can not be established in any other bearing (Torrington and Hall, 1995) such as the compatibility of two parts and their ability to work together, or the aptitude of someone to perform efficiently within a team without alter the whole group performance.Moreover the selection interview gives the candidates the ability to ask the interviewers any questions, such as information about the working hours, contract negotiation and so forth, in other words, it creates a public relation between both parts. In a second hand, it allows the recruiter to answer the candidates questions, and often to increase the comprehend attractiveness of the job (Barclay, 1999) such as high salary etc In addition, the selection interview costs much less than the other methods such as testing and consultants use.Problems with utilize selection interviewThe major issues concerning the selection interview are related to its unreli ability, invalidity and subjectivity (Torrington and Hall, 1995), although Webster (1964) conducted research that allowed identifying the following problems* If the interviewers make their decision very early in the interviews progress, they will deceive their final decision to the candidate.* Interviewers tend to find out the evidence that the candidate is unfavorable rather than favourable which can be called as overweighting negative information.* Most interviewers make their choice within the first three or four transactions of the interview, and then spent the rest of the time looking for evidence to confirm their first impression.* Primacy and Recency which is the tendency to recall the first few candidates and the last few. wherefore those in the middle of the queue become forgotten by the interviewers.* All the perceptual errors made in the interview selection, which include, stereotyping, Halo effect, discrimination and so forth. The next part will entirely be focused on those major issues with significant examples regarding the selection interviews situation.The perceptual errors in the selection interviewAccording to (Rollinson, 2002110) who defines the perception asA mental process involving the selection, organisation, structuring and interpretation of information in order to make inferences and give meaning to the information acquaintance plays a significant role in organisations, since it is used by individuals to make judgements, inferences and interpretations. Moreover it reflects how the people respond to what we do and what we say. However the differences in perception matter for people seeing different things and inferring different meaning to same stimuli. The manner that people perceive things differs from one individual to another, therefore perception becomes a mortals reality and this can lead to misunderstandings (Mullins, 2001). The selection interview has raised several concerns regarding to its validity and reliability, those issues has been directly associated with the perceptual errors that may occur in a selection interview. The main areas where problems are encountered are* Stereotyping This is where people are regrouped in a same category according to various criteria such as their age, gender and race (Racial stereotyping). Stereotyping is also attributing a person with qualities supposed to be general of members of a particular group (Rollinson, 2002). In our selection interview context, a egg-producing(prenominal) candidate who applies for a building site engineer job would not get the offer because the interviewer might thing that all females are weak and fragile, even thought the candidate has got better knowledge and education than any male candidate. Another example could be a small computing business ran by young managers supported by young computer engineers.If an older candidate applies for an engineer job, the interviewers might discriminate he or she because of his or her age, in the r evere that he/she would not fit into a young working team and that might affect the entire groups overall effectiveness. A deed of studies concluded that interviewers are more(prenominal) likely to give higher ratings on some traits to candidates who are more similar to themselves. For example a study show that females were generally given lower ratings than that of males by male interviewers(http//* The Halo Effect This is the assumption that a person has a certain characteristic, therefore he or she will have other characteristics (Rollinson, 2002). If a candidate has good communication skills. This does not mean that he or she will perform in effect as a manger or a group leader. It can happen that the panel member is impressed by one candidates criterion, and then the interviewers will give him/her positive evaluation for all other criteria regardless the performance.* Self-fulfilling prophecy in our selecti on interview perspective, the Self-Fulfilling prophecy can be thought as the interviewers feelings regarding the interviewee. If this first person feels negatively about the candidate, he or she might ask more difficult questions in order to confirm his/her first assumptions. Therefore the candidate will feel uncomfortable when providing. This concern is also valid in the other sense which is the positive interviewers positive feeling and the straightforward questions to candidate in order to confirm it., The interviewers will basically tend to confirm their first impression whether it is positive or negative. This issue has a relevant impact on the validity and reliability of the selection interview in the sense that the interviewers first impression has a considerable effect on both candidates self-confidence and interviewers final result.* Attribution Theory The attribution can be internal or external to a person, i.e. people attribute causes to other peoples behaviour. The inter nal attribution can be the persons abilities intentions etc. whereas the external attribution is the environment, luck etc. To simplify this theory throughout an example, a candidate is sweating during a selection interview, the deduction the interviewer might have is Does this person sweat because the means is hot (External attribution) or because the candidate is nervous and struggle to answer the question (Internal attribution)? In fact there is a significant difference between those two factors that affects the interviewers perception and therefore his/her decision making.Government policy and legislationWhile organisations are totally free about how they choose their employee, legislation has a significant role in the recruitment and selection methods, especially in attempts to prevent different discriminations such as ethnic origin, sex, age and disability and to warrant equal opportunities in recruitment (Beardwell and Holden, 2001).The first act was elaborated in 1974 and concerned the discrimination against people with criminal records (The Rehabilitation of Offenders spell 1974). This stipulates that after a certain time, the offender has the right to not reveal his or her sentence to any organisation, and should have the same recruitment chances that everybody else has. Followed by that, sex discrimination Act 1975 (including marital status) and race discrimination Act 1976 were introduced in the United Kingdom in order to protect people from direct and indirect discriminations.Since those acts, women and people from different origins have taken important part within organisations however the evolution has been done relatively slowly according to national statistics (EOC Annual Report, 1998 and IDS 1997) which indicate the dispersion of employment on the grounds of gender and race has slightly changed since those acts for instance, people from ethnic minority are two and a half times more likely to be unemployed than white population. More recen tly, the Disability Discrimination Act (1995) was enforced in order to protect people with physical or mental impairment that affect them carrying out normal day-to-day activities and tasks. National statistics (Sly et al. 1999) reveal that the unemployment rate for disabled people is almost twice that the non-disabled people for the working age.ConclusionWe have seen that the reliability of the selection interview is affected by perceptual errors. However it this issue that can be overcome by using a structured interview, which makes the interviewer more involved in the job analysis. It is important to remember that the validity of the interview is improved by building a vigorous relationship between the content of the job and the structure of the selection method. The questions are relevant to the job requirements, and candidates are assessed according to a unique and specific grading procedure in other words the same questions are asked to each candidate and rated according to pre-elaborated rating scales (Barclay, 1999).Moreover, the interviewers should have special trainings and practices in order to allow them know the various pitfalls met in selection interview and overcome their weaknesses regarding the different aspects of the interview. Despite the existence of other recruitment methods such as testing, group selection, assessment centres, and consultant agencies which reveal to be more expensive and less accurate the selection interview approach remains the most popular and flexible method used by organisations.BibliographyBarclay, J. (1999) Employee Selection A question of Structure, Personnel Review, 28 (1/2) 134-151.Barclay, J. (1999) Improving Selection Interview with Structure, Personnel Review, 30 (1) 81-101.Beardwell, I. et al. (2001) humankind Resource Management, Edinburgh Prentice Hall.Mullins L. (2001) Management and Organisational Behaviour, UKPrentice Hall.Rollinson, R. (2002) Organisational Behaviour and Analysis-An Integrated Appr oach,Edinburgh Prentice Hall.Thair, T. and Risdon, A. (1999). Women in the labour market Results from the spring.1998 labour force survey. Labour Market, March. The Office for National Statistics.Torrington, D. et al. (1995) homophile Resource Management, Edinburgh Prentice Hall.SHL Group plc (2000) http// 7/11/2003.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Deontological ethics Essay
In life one must deal with moral and estimable dilemmas. Ethics is defined as the battlefield dealing with what is good and bad and with moral obligation (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2013). It studies human moral behavior and how one should act. Ethics helps to explain how a person should feel close a particular situation. There are several groups of studies of ethics that def quit and recommend concepts of right and wrong. The focus of this paper will be to describe triad of the groups of within ethics, which are virtue theory, utilitarianism, and, deontological ethics.Afterward, it will show how virtue theory played a major part in a personal ethical dilemma. Virtue ethics is a classification within Normative Ethics that attempts to discover and classify what might be deemed of moral eccentric person, and to apply the moral character as a base for ones choices and actions (Gowdy, 2009, Virtue Ethics, para. 1). The general perspective of virtue ethics is that one should choose their experience personal honesty and contentment. If the persons character is good, one should non be judged mainly by rules and customs.Virtue theory looks at someones habits of excellence for farseeing term and forgives for minor mistakes. The Utilitarianism theory means The greatest good for the greatest number (Boylan, 2009, p. 153). Utilitarianism is an ethical principle according to which an action is right if it tends to maximize happiness, non only the agent also of everyone affected (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2013). They focus on the acts of a person rather than ones motives. The moral action in this theory must be the greatest aggregate utility or the average utility.Bentham and Mills supported the theory of utilitarianism and created the pleasure principle. They believed that pleasure principle is a clearly identifiable end to what humans strive. Deontological is a moral theory that emphasizes ones duty to do a particular action just because the action, itself, i s inherently right and not through with(predicate) any other sorts of calculations such as consequences to the action (Boylan, 2009, p. 171). Deontology advocates the nature of principle. Moral principles are warranted through an understanding of the structure, reason and will.The foundation of commands in deontology involves laws and pictorial moral duties. Kant was a strong proponent of deontology and believed that people must act from duty. He argued that it is not the effects of actions that make them right or wrong plainly the motives of the person. My moral dilemma relates to the virtue theory because of my familys strong sacred values and beliefs. My family nurtured me in a strict Catholic household and with high family religious morals. I performed all the Catholic rituals starting from when I was very young, such as first communion and all the way to confirmation.We went to church every sunlight and my family and I still continue the same rituals. I encountered my mora l dilemma when I became pregnant before I was married. My family was very disappointed when they discovered I was pregnant and wanted us to get married right away. In the Catholic religion it is considered a major sin to have a treat out of wedlock. My boyfriend and I believed we were not prepared to get married at the time. Marriage is a strong sacrament in our religion as well. We did not want to rush into getting married just because of my familys religious values.We married in Catholic Church two years afterward our son was born. Even though I lived my life as a respectable Catholic, I could not conform strictly to their rules. I had to decide what was beaver for my absolute moral value and character. In conclusion it is good to question ethics because one must decide from right and wrong. We have learned through virtue, utilitarianism, and deontological theories that there are different ways to rationalize a dilemma. The responsibility of an individual is to decide how to de al with each ethical situation to the best of our own abilities.It is from actual life experiences and ethical values that make us who we are. References Boylan, M. (2009). Basic Ethics (2nd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ Prentice Hall. Ethics. (2013). In Merriam-Websters Online Dictionary. Retrieved from http//www. merriam- webster. com/dictionary/ethic Gowdy, L. N. (2009). Ethic Morals. Retrieved from http//www. ethicsmorals. com/ethicsvirtue. html Utilitarianism. (2013). In Merriam-Websters Online Dictionary. Retrieved from http//www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/utilitarianism.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Camel Rider Story
Sometimes the characters in a story are 1rous to get away from nearthing. In other stories they may be trying to find something. Are the characters in Camel rider political campaign away from something or trying to find something. Characters running away or trying to find something occurs in most stories. Camel rider combines both as each character is doing something different. There are 2 main characters in Camel rider, two boys, one called Adam who is from Australia and one called Walid who was sold as a slave by his parents then got abandoned.Many many stories have characters running away or trying to find something. The characters have reasons wherefore they run away/find something. The characters in most stories run away since theyre scared or somebody is chasing them. Finding something would mean that the characters have some relation to it and it is important. The something could be someone or an object. Most stories there is a complication such as theyre lost, seeking r evenge, scared or afraid. conform to on Walid I scream weve got to get out of here Adams quote from Camel rider. In this situation they are running away from a Gang. In Camel Rider Adam is trying to find Abudai and his dog Tara, Adam is lost but soon bumps into another kid called Walid who is lost and running away. They do not ascertain each other due to the fact they dont deal each others languages but join Adams journey to find Abudai. Overtime they get to know about each other.A gang soon attack them causing them to change from finding Abudai to running away. After hijacking a car they stop running away and continue finding Abudai. They go through obstacles and succeeded in finding Abudai. were lost I say to Walid. I dont know which way it is to Abudai from here Adam is lost finding his way to Abudai but Walid helps him. Overall, I believe that the characters are trying to find something in this circumstance. They succeeded just deal many other characters in many other sto ries.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Last Product Purchased Essay
Think for a moment about the extend produce you purchased. What was the product? What is the brand name of the product? How would you describe the customer for this product? What is the products closest brand competitor? Explain why you chose this brand rather than the competitors brand. How did the trade for the product influence your purchase?The last product I purchased was my new railway railway car. It is a 2012 Chevrolet Malibu. The customer for this product would be a young adult to middle aged adult. The customer for this car wants a car that is smaller in size but one that also has plenty of room for at least 4 people. The closest brand to this car would be, in my opinion, the Pontiac G8. When I purchased my Malibu I went to test drive the G8. It was a 2011 and had only a few miles on it. It was traded in for a different car because the car was too small for the current owner. I loved the G8 and it was everything I wanted. It was only a couple thousand dollars less than t he Malibu and the Malibu was brand new with only 20 miles on it. My husband is the one who really liked the Malibu and talked me into test driving it. Needless to say that is the car I choose.I chose this particular car because with the discharge extended warranty and the rebates on this car it turned out to be a cheaper car than the G8 but also a better car. Honestly the marketing on this car did not influence my opinion at all. I never thought about this specific car until at the dealership that day. When I purchased this car Chevrolet has awesome rebates and interest on their new vehicles. After my purchase I stared seeing, or paying attention, to the commercials on this car and I am electropositive I made the right decision. If I would have paid attention to the commercials on this car it would have been the car I chose anyway.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Transitions in lifespan Development
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Sunday, May 19, 2019
Lotus Car Rental Alternative Fuel Assessment Essay
IntroductionThe creation of a lead of pick elicit sourced automobiles would be a wise decision for the lotus Car rental Company. There be two study issues that are on the minds of people these old sequence, the environment and money. By creating a fleet of alternative terminate based automobiles the Lotus lease Care Company suffer dish out ease the fears of people in both categories.By having the ingenuity to have a fleet of alternative fuel automobiles the Lotus Car letting leave alone set themselves apart from the rest of the rental political machine companies. Lotus Car Care get out be the leaders in environmentally safe elevator machine rentals. The following research paper result discuss the background of this topic, the costs of working with alternative fuel automobiles, the technical aspects of alternative fuel, the environmental aspects of alternative fuel as well as discuss both(prenominal) recommendations for the Lotus Car Rental Company.BackgroundThe Lo tus Car Rental Company is looking into adding a fleet of alternative fuel sourced vehicles to their supply. Alternative fuel sourced vehicles are classified as being resources other(a) than petroleum. A few of these sources are take ind here local anestheticly and some are derived from re unexampledable sources. They often produce slight pollution than does gunslingeroline. (Alternative Fuel Vehicles, 2012). loanblends are also considered to be an alternative sourced vehicle. A hybrid vehicle is one that utilizes more than one form of onboard naught to achieve propulsion (, 2009).Financial feasibilitySeveral factors influence the financial feasibility of adding alternative fuel vehicles to the fleet vehicle cost, maintenance, advertising, and return on investing. Additional considerations include market share, coming(prenominal) growth, and implementation cost. The first consideration is the cost of adding crossing vehicles to fleet line. Individual vehicle cost ranges from $23,000 to $37,000 and the models available include Honda Civic, Volkswagen Jetta, Lincoln MKZ, and Lexus ES300H (Almeida, 2009). egest costs would be less depending on emergence of units purchased and vehicle upgrades. Lotus Rental Cars rentals fall into three categories economy, mid-size, and luxury. base on a cursory review of Lotus Rental Cars primary income producers, the number of crossbreed vehicles added should fall within the three to five dollar bill percent range for each category.The initial disbursement should tinct or be less than the number of vehicles within each specific category that go out be retired within the purchase year. For instance, if ten percent of economy vehicles lead be retired then five percent of the new vehicles purchased will be hybrid. By timing the introduction of the new hybrid vehicles with inventory retirement the initial cost outlay will be mitigated. The anticipated maintenance costs will be similar to the previous years cost and no change is expected. Income from vehicles retired is expected to equal the same percen traine as non-hybrid automobiles and will not constitute a negative financial impact. denote is a major consideration, although the cost is not expected to affix. Target markets will be in major cities where Lotus Rental Cars already has a large presence. Urban centers with environmentally sensible drivers are the better(p) place to begin a new hybrid product line. Adding information regarding the new line to existing websites provides maximum exposure with minimal cost. Other markets include environmentally conscious embodied businesses that already have a corporate account with Lotus. Market share and future tense growth is connected to advertising and return on investment. The implementation costs are minimal. The monthly return on investment is tied to advertising, environmental activity, and rental cost.Advertising includes national campaigns and local markets. The renta l market consists online sales and local customers. The majority of travelers will book a rental vehicle prior to arriving at the rental company. determine will play an important factor in a rental commitment. Up-sale will increase income potential. frugality vehicles rentals begin at $9.99 and increase, depending on the current sales program. The cost may decrease, depending on the number of sidereal days booked, special pricing, and additional sale of navigation, XM radio, and infant seats. However, the norm rental price for an economy vehicle is $29.99 per day and hybrid vehicles rent from $65.99 to $159 per day. The return on investment per day would range from $35 to $129.It is acquire the self-propelled industry is offering a variety of hybrid vehicles in response to customer demand. The future of the self-propelling industry includes alternative fuel vehicles of all models. As the automotive industry embraces hybrid sales that increase their market share, so should the vehicle rental industry. Entry into a new product line will have higher costs than non-alternative vehicles until the product becomes well immersed into the market.In the case of hybrid vehicles it is prudent that Lotus Rental Car adds hybrid vehicles to their urban centers and joins the environmental movement along with major vehicle manufacturers. It is clear that as time passes, a portion of new business will gravitate toward rental car companies that offer alternative fuel vehicles. Lotus Rental Car company will lose future market share and the expense of entering the hybrid market will increase if Lotus Rental Car company enters the market after its competitors (Schueneman, 2009).Technical AspectsOne of the many a(prenominal) advantages of owning a hybrid vehicle is saving money at the pump. Un equivalent your standard gas running car, this on average would do about 21 mpg highway and city driving. Hybrids on average are doing 30 mpg highway and city. An phrase written on na it shows the actual fuel saving oer a year span The average Ameri derriere driver between the ages of 34 and 55 drives 15,291 miles annually. Divide this annual mileage figure by 21 miles to the gallon for the standard model, and you will find that you would buy about 728 gallons of gasoline a year. In contrast, if you divide the annual miles figure by 30 for the hybrid, you would determine that the annual gas purchase would be of about 510 gallons.You would save 218 gallons of gas a year with the hybrid. Multiply this by a conservative $3.50 a gallon for a dollar savings of $763. By selecting the hybrid over the standard model, you would make up for the $5,560 difference in sticker price in seven to eight geezerhood. Subtract the maximum tax revenue incentive and you could recoup the $2,160 difference in less than three years. Thus, in this example, you would save money any by paying full price and driving your hybrid for more than eight years, or by driving it for more than three years with a tax credit.( by Lynne Haley Rose).So although the price tag is little higher on hybrids you will easily make your money back in the gas savings. Most people may think, Yeah, you save on gas, but dont get the as much horsepower when you purchase a hybrid vehicle. The idea of combining electric and gas does wait to leave much room for speed and maneuverability. This assumption is not true yes hybrids do have small gas engines, but they make it up with their electric engine. Coupled with the gas engine, the electric engine tidy sum send power to various parts of the car, mainly the wheels. This is a very good advantage over standard horsepower, because it could actually supply more power to the car which increases its speed.With all this talk about horsepower and speed, we begin to think about proceeding a hybrid car. Once again, just because its a hybrid doesnt mean its more expensive. Most of the basic normal maintenance requirements like anoint changes and tune ups cost about the same as standard cars. They even have their own perks. A standard car requires an oil change every 3,000 miles whereas hybrids are every 6,000 miles. One of the most expensive items on a hybrid is the cars battery which washstand run you up to 3,000 dollars. fall apartt let this number scare you, because these batteries have no real recorded life foresight a long time is what I kept seeing in my research.As said in (8 Reasons to Buy a Hybrid Car) Theres no difference between a hybrid and the gas-powered car parked in your garage it can accelerate just as quickly and travel just as fast on the highway, and it handles just as smoothly. Most important, hybrids are just as safe to drive. (By Alan Rider Hybrids have come a long way since the first Prius 10 years ago.Theyve excelled in mpg, horsepower and style. There are a number of hybrids out there now and many styles to choose from in the standard and lux ury lines. As far a comfortable ride, hybrids and standard cars are the same. Now, of course, if you go out and get a Lexus hybrid youre going to have more luxuries than if you purchased a Toyota hybrid. Most cars you get know have all of the technical capabilities available and if they dont they can be added. Technology will not stop growing and with that so will the new age of hybrids.Environmental AspectsPetroleum based fuels can create harmful emissions like atomic number 6 dioxide nitrous oxides, and particulate matter matter, all of which degrade the environment(5 things you need to know about alternative fuel vehicles, 2008). These methane, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and other gasses are known as greenhouse gases. When these gasses build up they contribute to orbicular warming. claims that Hybrid vehicles produce 80 percent less greenhouse gases than conventional fuel based vehicles (Hybrid Cars And Pollution, 2005).Toxicity is another problem with petroleu m fuel based vehicles. The producing of some forms of alternative fuels can create fewer toxins than those produced by traditional fuel vehicles. For instance, biodiesel is a fuel that is created from leftover vegetation like corn stalks. Biodiesel is biodegradable and non-toxic which makes it safe for the environment.Noise pollution is also a form of pollution. Car engines can produce 110 decibels of noise, which is twice as loud as a normal conversation.. The noise will come from the fuel pump, pistons and compressors that create the combustion and cycle the fuel. Vehicles with alternative fuel sources such as total heat fuel cells will produce no sound or vibration as they require no moving parts to produce fuel.RecommendationsThe research has shown that a fleet of alternative fuel sourced vehicles would be the best idea for everyone involved. The positive feedback generated by offering this fleet of vehicles would be astounding. The market for rental cars with alternative fuel capabilities is very small and the Lotus Car Rental Company would have the market cornered. The cost of maintain a fleet of these vehicles are no different than that of petroleum fueled vehicles.The consumer that is able to rent these vehicles will also benefit by being able to save more money on energy for the vehicle. The environment will also benefit from this addition to the Lotus Car Rental fleet. The amount of pollution and emissions that can be cut back will be helpful to the surrounding community and the future generations to grow up in the community.ConclusionThe creation of a fleet of alternative fuel sourced automobiles would be a wise decision for the Lotus Car Rental Company. After conducting much research, the decision to incorporate a fleet of alternative fuel sourced automobiles would be in the best interest of the public as well as the company.The research has shown the monetary benefits, the technical benefits as well as the environmental benefits of getting a fle et of alternative fuel sourced automobiles. The benefits of having a positive company reputation are enormous. Having an environmentally kind car rental company has the potential of being a lucrative decision. Living a green lifestyle has become an important thing in this day and age. The Lotus Car Rental Company will have cornered the market by having an entire fleet of environmentally friendly automobiles.ReferencesAlternative fuel vehicles. (2012). Retrieved from http// (2009). Retrieved from http// Almeida, A. (2009, August 13). Average Cost of a Hybrid Car. Retrieved from CarsDirect http// Schueneman, T. (2009, February 12). Enterprise Rent-a-Car Adds 5000 Hybrids to its Fleet of Fuel Efficient Cars. Retrieved from sustainablog http// s-5000-hybrids-to-its-fleet-of-fuel-efficient-cars/ 5 things you need to know about alternative fuel vehicles. (2008, July)., (), . Retrieved from http// Hybrid cars and pollution. (2005). Retrieved from http//
Biography of Albert Dwight Paper
This per intelligence is my grandfathers senescent buddy. His name is Albert John Dwight. He is born in capital of Georgia, Georgia on December 5, 1931. He is the besides son of James Dwight and Adela Santos. He is half-the Statesn and half Brazilian. He grew up in his home in Atlanta with his mother. His father was a soldier. His father was recruited by his friend to join the US forces because of the spot World War. mevery an(prenominal) Ameri crowd outs join the Second World War and his father was star of them. His father was send to Cuba when he was close ten years old. This was why AJ (as his mother called him when he was a child) had missed his father so much.During his time, America was a simple place with simple dream. But it changed when the Second World War exploded. It was when the Pearl lactate is being attacked. This was to a fault the time that his father decided to leave his family. He didnt know that this was in addition the last time with his father. Accident ally, his father died during one of the night raids. His mother almost dies when she heard the news. She thought that she can never raise AJ alone. The US brass supported the family due to tr seasondy happened. AJ finishes his study along with my grandfather.He perpetually told that he wanted to be a soldier even though it was the cause of death of his father. This is the military strength of most teen developr, they usually idolized their father and wanted to be worry them. He enjoyed his teenage years. He had many girlfriends in his time because he was built is beautiful. He was more energetic than ever. This was the peak of his bearing that everything he can do whatever he wanted to do. He was just like any normal teenager without dark past. He never recalled the death of his parents. He got married at the age of 26 to an American named Sarah Gainsborough at age of 23.Sarah is a very intelligent women and very gorgeous. They have one child named Edward. His dream of becomin g a soldier vanished from his mind. He didnt want to apothegm the homogeneous event that happened to his family. AJ thinks of his family first because as you grow up, the mind focuses on more important people than your dreams. His family became constant and financially supported because of the family business left by his mother. He witnessed the changes during his time and the time of his son. The government focuses what is right for its citizen unlike his days which gave a more focus on establishing a decent army which leave alone fight for America.He also noticed that the kind of living had change. Several gadgets have been invented to life easier. Also he witnessed the launching of several spacecraft used to study the outer space. He thought that the time of his son was the new era of living but he proved it wrong when he reaches the age of 60 (approx). He witnessed the age computers. Big computers were made to do specific jobs. This machine can do third times as fast as an y man can do. His son also married an American and they had 3 children. He loves his three grandchildren. It is said that many grandparents loves their grandchildren than their child.He always told stories and he gave what ever his grandchildren wanted. He was fond of playing with his grandchildren. He sometimes took them to the park or to the mall. When they were in the mall, he cant resist ongoing to gadget section because he cant believed that that the things really existed. He was also amazed even in the nightlights of Las Vegas. He told that there are nightlights during his time but not like this that looked like fireworks. When year 2000 came, the age of computers, he became more fascinated on mobile phones because he saw its evolution from large one to phones with cameras until it becomes thinner and thinner.This is also the time his body is deteriorating and needed assistance in almost everything he wanted to do. He never wanted to learn to use those kind phones because of h is age but his grandchildren insisted to teach him. As you grow older, you became happier with the things you want, unlike when you were a child that you want everything to become happy. mayhap this is part getting older. He also saw the evolution of government from his childhood. He saw it when it started recruiting soldiers and when the Second World War is over, the government became pacifist(prenominal) until it declared war with Afghanistan as a part of anti-terrorism carry.The establishment of new weapons called super weapons that use nuclear power to bring destruction to its enemy. Also the government was creating advance vehicle made for combat not only for air but also for take and water. They also use satellite for military purposes which were used for mapping and to check weather during early times. Today, he doesnt know if terrorism is over so that the government will be back to its peaceful state with no worries but the welfare of its citizen. Reference JRJR (2001). S econd World War. Retrieved 25 October 2007 from http//www. worldwar-two. net/acontecimentos/ one hundred thirty/
Saturday, May 18, 2019
The Sight of Beauty
I was walking on the beach right before the sunset, searching for a good spot to fish. I stop and gaze at the ocean. The waves, ever so gracefully crashing on the beach, a picture perfect moment. Perhaps moments were you feel worthy of being alive, seeing the beauty that drive Nature has to offer. Seeing what the world has to offer of life. I came back from school, tired and exaughested. I Just had a very big and difficult examination that I did not do so well on.The badgering of getting a below average grade when everybody got an above average grade. It is a feeling that is a very negative cardinal. When I came out of school I had to study for another important test. In my mind, Im thinking how all the world has to offer is difficulty in life, and if its not difficulty, then its torture and self-consciousness. hopefully I will get a sufficient grade to please my parents expectations. To refresh my mind, I push back a short walk on the beach with a fishing pole in one hand.As I w as walking, I see people stop and gaze at the water, taking pictures. These people in like manner had a fishing pole, and fishermen are usually on a task, to catch fish and bring fundament a nice dinner to enjoy with their family. But these people are stopped dead in their tracks by a sight. What was this sight about? Maybe it was a big school offish, but as I looked, it was something better. It was a sight of beauty. The beauty of the ocean, the sunset, and how the waves in the ocean were ot rough white caps, but sedate and beautiful.The waves crashing on the surf ever so gracefully, as if it was moving in a balletic. Then a thought hit me, of what the world has to offer me. Its not always difficulty in life, or agony or self-consciousness, but it offers you life, and the beauty of nature. Yes, the world offers you some challenges and difficulty, but its only a small worth to pay to see the beauty of the world. I am thankful of the beauties the world offers me
Friday, May 17, 2019
Mcdonald’s History
McDonalds Bar-B-Que, was a Drive-in eatery in 1940 which was conceptualized by Richard (Dick) and Maurice (Mac) McDonalds. Drive-in concept was a refreshful and unique idea to adapt which caught everyones attention (Our Company, 2011). The initial mascot of the famous fast food eating house was Speedee. Speedee was a hamburger-headed man wearing a chefs hat (McDonalds, 2011).However, running a quietaurant is not a piece of cake, thus, by 1948 they do alterations in their menu by reducing the available food items and call(a)s itself a self- benefit drive-in restaurant. The stark naked nine items pictureed in 1948 were hamburger, cheeseburger, soft drinks, milk, coffee, white potato chips and a slice of pie (Our Company, 2011). In the following year potato chips were replaced by French fries along with additional triple thick milkshakes. In 1954, enters a new significant character for McDonalds, Ray Kroc. He was fascinated by the profitable new concept by the brothers whom pro duced best quality product, on the contrary to providing a venial menu in a small restaurant.At the same time the Dick and Mac McDonalds were in search of an agent to table service them begin nationwide franchising (Our Company, 2011). Their vision turned into reality by the help of Ray Kroc. In 1955, Kroc opens a McDonalds in Desplaines, Illinois which brought in a lot of cash for the corporation (History, 2011). And by the end of fifties they managed to open 100 McDonalds restaurant. Following decade started, the 60s, McDonald being itself, so successful, undecided a hamburger University in Illinois.During this year they created McDonald into a proper restaurant with indoor seating (Our Company, 2011). They received their maiden TV commercial hit via their new mascot Ronald in 1966. In the following year, 1967, McDonalds goes international and today, 2011, it has restaurants in 118 countries all around the world. It is now known to be the worlds largest hamburger fast food r estaurant serving more than 52 million customers daily (History, 2011). And Thailand ranked as number 28 by nation master manages to rush approximately 88 McDonalds restaurants (Food Statistics, 2011).In 1985, the first McDonalds restaurant opened in Amarin Plaza, Bangkok, Thailand. McDonald provides protein-full menus including chicken, pork, beef and seafood. Throughout time McDonalds in Thailand has embraced the early-morning working culture and started Big Breakfast. Moreover, they overly present customer favorites such as McNuggets, burgers, fried chicken and ice cream (History, 2011). Although, McDonalds in Thailand follow strict 5 operating principles or philosophy you may call it which includes QSC & V.These letters stage Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value. McDonalds main focus is to produce 100% total customer satisfaction. However, focusing on the 5 figure formula to operate McDonalds successfully firstly, quality, is regarding the food presented to the customers. For example, McDonalds consistently provides their customers with healthy, best warning and tasty products. Secondly, service embraces the efficient and friendly service available at McDonalds.Their focus on service makes sure that McDonalds can maximize customer satisfaction offering full help via provided techniques and training. Thirdly, cleanliness was first magnified by Ray Kroc back in 1955. From that day till today, McDonalds makes sure they present themselves cleanly. Cleanliness in a fast food restaurant has to deal with a clean kitchen, dining area, rest rooms and the exterior. Lastly, value is all about the experience you pay for and prices of the products at McDonalds. The experience they allow you to have is the environment, fine service and enjoyable food (QSC&V, 2011).Referencehttp//
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Organizational Culture in the Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Organizational Culture in the Economy - Essay exercisingThus, organisational acculturation involves three core dimensions that help define the organizational environment and how the organization interacts with the disparate environments. The customer dimension helps in identifying the driving forces for the company with reference to the type of products and services provided to the customers. However, customer have as influenced by preferences and tastes tunes the organization towards developing the above-mentioned defining characteristics. The people dimension of culture involves the fundamental interaction among organizational stakeholders and how this affects the performance of the organization as well as its ability to retain employees, investors, and attracts new investors as well. Finally, the performance dimension of culture is a defining tool of what the organization is involved with and what competitive advantages come in it ahead of the completion.With reference to the various dimensions of organizational culture, it is observed that organizational culture, as it borrows from business culture, is an important cheek that aims at defining purpose and relevance of the organization to the economy, indicate customers, and the organizational culture (Dalkir, 2011).The impacts of not addressing organizational culture include the inability of the organization to not only lack focus on target customers, but also to develop a negative reputation within its marketplace. Many are the measure when the term organizational culture is inappropriately used to refer to positive strategies of an organization. However, while organizational culture is not a set of policies targeting various aspects of the organizational operations, it is considered a set of variables that add up to communicate of the organizations mission and relevance within a defined marketplace. In this case, three study considerations when addressing organizational culture are of crucial imp ortance to organizational management and other stakeholders.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Crime and Human Rights Violation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Crime and Human Rights Violation - Essay ExampleAlthough some of them would enter such contender voluntarily for the prize money or prestige, majority of them could not refuse for being slaves or prisoners plain of rights granted to other forgiving beings. Albert Camus, the mid-20th century philosopher, discoursed in The Rebel (Camus 6) the illogical defense of violation of human rights by the holder of force. No one can question the atrocities and genocide committed before the resume of the Common Era. But it would seem absurd that such acts were committed by tidy sum in power in modern times when people are expected to act and behave with civility. Camus might had been exasperated and disappointed with the turn of events in modern society since the powerless majority are subjected under the assert of the authority expected to protect the people besides nevertheless becomes the oppressor and tyrant. The discourses and politico-philosophical essays of Camus might be rooted t o his family and childhood experiences (Albert Camus pars. 4-6). He grew up in a poor family and in an impoverished environment. He also undergo a hard life during the war. He was a socialist all throughout his life but an anti-communist. The Algerian Communist Party was at odds with the Le Parti du Peuple Algerien, which he considered as more people oriented and to which he was a member. His views and discourses surely reflected his own experiences. Barbaric and inhuman treatment of people in the distant past were common as part of conquest areas and territories. Even the common people would gleefully watch criminals or war prisoners being tortured or whipped to death in public regularizes. Gladiators cleaning each other in the arena work as an entertainment for the rulers and the people. It can be deduced that inhumane treatment of slaves or criminals is part of the culture of the people then. The values and social perspective of the people in a particular society were refle cted even to the entertainment and recreational aspect of their lives. Many of the prisoners and slaves were taken as captives from other tribes or communities. Invasion of one territory is made for the purpose of controlling the people of that place and make them subject of the invader. The invader would also want to control the territory and all its resources, food, minerals, livestock, etc. to serve the needs of the people of the invading group. Thus, in the olden times, the conquered people were treated as inferior in society with lesser rights or no rights at all. As a resulted, there are groups in society which were not treated as an equal or as a human being. Or worst, they were viewed as mere animals that can be mutilated at the pleasure of the authorities. Severe punishments were already influenced by the perspective of the ruling elite of the time. In the pre-Common Era China, for instance, punishments given by the leaders were severe on the notion that people were natural ly evil and must be punished severely (Lambert, Legalism par. 2). At near 2000 BCE, humans were sacrificed and buried beneath the foundations of buildings (Lambert, A More Advanced par. 3). Invading nations in the past find of themselves as superior than the rest of the nations. They think that they had more groundbreaking civilization, knowledge and systems. These nations may have had advanced military
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
How can inservice training and development support employee retention Dissertation
How good deal inservice discipline and development support employee retentivity within the communication team - Dissertation Example.............................................................................. 4.3 Linking findings with theory..................................................................................... 5.1 decision and recommendations............................................................................. References Appendices EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This look study aimed to close the gap in research knowledge regarding the government agency of inservice prepare in the organisation as a potential support tool for improving retention in communications teams. In the organisation, communications teams ar set up to facilitate more telling communication between organisational actors, often involving employees, managers, and executives. These teams are responsible for reinforcing mission and vision, communicating policy changes and organisational adaptation s, and facilitating the technologies and methodologies for effective discourse and interactions between organisational actors. In HR, retention relates to the ratios by which an organisation is able to reduce turnover and intention to leave, through the establishment of policies and strategies geared at employee felicity and job role motivation. Because there are significant gaps in knowledge literature supporting whether inservice dressing can serve as a prognosticator for better retention, this study aimed to signalise the tangible and intangible factors (intrinsic versus extrinsic) that could potentially lead inservice training to be a predictor of positive retention outcomes. Inservice training represents training provided to current employees, either short- or long-term, that provides new knowledge on systems, technologies, or behavioural changes needed to efficaciously facilitate a changing job role and... These teams are responsible for reinforcing mission and vision, communicating policy changes and organisational adaptations, and facilitating the technologies and methodologies for effective discussion and interactions between organisational actors. In HR, retention relates to the ratios by which an organisation is able to reduce turnover and intention to leave, through the establishment of policies and strategies geared at employee satisfaction and job role motivation. Because there are significant gaps in knowledge literature supporting whether inservice training can serve as a predictor for improved retention, this study aimed to identify the tangible and intangible factors (intrinsic versus extrinsic) that could potentially lead inservice training to be a predictor of positive retention outcomes. Inservice training represents training provided to current employees, either short- or long-term, that provides new knowledge on systems, technologies, or behavioural changes needed to effectively facilitate a changing job role and organisational/co mpetitive environment. The best practices in developing and delivering inservice training are not widely available in research literature, thus this project intended to identify these best practices or structural obligations of creating effective inservice training to determine how this might impact attitudes or behaviours of those in the communications team that are exposed to inservice training processes and content. The study was primarily desk-based, analysing large volumes of secondary research data in areas of psycho-social characteristics in employees, the functional and structural designs of inservice training, the nature of communications team development, as advantageously as communities of practice as a development tool associated with inservice training.
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